
School communities are great incubators of new ideas, but launching a new idea is not always easy.

The Idea Readiness Tool (IRT) can be used to help launch a new idea in a school community.

The Idea Readiness Tool includes a brief checklist that can be used to identify readiness for a new idea. Included with the checklist are a series of strategies specifically tailored for working with school communities at different stages of readiness. There is also a resource list for those interested in reading more information to support their use of these strategies.

Check out the full Idea Readiness Tool.

We would like to thank our partner – Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan (ASEBP) – for their support with this project.

  • Policy, Location and Access in Community Environments (PLACE) Research Lab (2020). Launch a New Idea in Your School Community. Idea Readiness Tool Infosheet. Edmonton, AB: PLACE Research Lab, School of Public Health, University of Alberta.
  • 2014-2019 Applied Public Health Chair (Nykiforuk), Canadian Institutes of Health Research in partnership with Public Health Agency of Canada and Alberta Innovates: Health Solutions

Project Categories

Our Approach
Community based and Population health Interventions Natural Experiments and Government-led Population-health Interventions Innovative Interdisciplinary Methods Healthy Public Policy Collaborate and Engage with Partners
Research Program Areas
Community Environments Public Policy and Well-being Play Chronic Disease Prevention